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Generally suitable for garden, rockery, raised bed or border in a well drained warm soil in full sun, Flowering March to May plant some the bulbs about 10cm deep.

Plant Name & Description Picture Price & Buy Now

Tulipa clusiana 'Cynthia'

A very distinct variety of large, thin and tall creamy flowers, red outside, the base is purple. On stems to 25cm.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa clusiana 'Cynthia'

5 or more - £ 0.80 each
10 or more - £ 0.75 each
25 or more - £ 0.72 each

Tulipa clusiana 'Tubergens Gem'

Another relatively new and very distinct form of clusiana with large upright flowers, the inner petals are yellow/orange with slight red feathering, the outer petals dark red with darker central line. Flowers end of April to mid May, 20cm tall, fully hardy.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa clusiana 'Tubergens Gem'

10 or more - £ 0.45 each
25 or more - £ 0.42 each

Tulipa humilis 'Odalisque'

Dark violet-purple flowers and a yellow centre, one of the best, 15cm tall February-March.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa humilis 'Odalisque'

5 or more - £ 0.80 each
10 or more - £ 0.75 each
25 or more - £ 0.72 each

Tulipa humilis var. pulchella 'Albocaerulea Oculata'

Thank goodness not all our bulbs have such long names, however this variety is quite unique by name AND outstanding in appearance. Large white flowers with a deep steel-blue base in April, 10cm.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa humilis var. pulchella 'Albocaerulea Oculata'

1 or more - £ 3.00 each
3 or more - £ 2.80 each
10 or more - £ 2.60 each

Tulipa linifolia

Brilliant scarlet flowers with jet black centre, narrow undulated leaves with red margins, April-May, 20cm. A fine species for the garden.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa linifolia

5 or more - £ 0.60 each
10 or more - £ 0.57 each
25 or more - £ 0.56 each

Tulipa linifolia batalinii 'Bright Gem'

A good variety with sulphur yellow flushed orange flowers in April.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa linifolia batalinii 'Bright Gem'

5 or more - £ 0.60 each
10 or more - £ 0.57 each
25 or more - £ 0.56 each

Tulipa Little Beauty

Very unusual and striking cherry-red petals, whiter towards the centre with a dark slate-blue central mark, on short stems.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa Little Beauty

5 or more - £ 0.60 each
10 or more - £ 0.57 each
25 or more - £ 0.56 each

Tulipa Little Princess

Marvellous dwarf hybrid to only 10cm tall in April with startling flowers, lightly fragrant, brilliant copper-orange, suffused yellow towards then centre with a very dark blue-black centre cross. Stunning.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa Little Princess

5 or more - £ 0.70 each
10 or more - £ 0.68 each
25 or more - £ 0.64 each

Tulipa sylvestris

Sweetly-scented flowers golden- yellow, slightly tinged with green. Flowering March to April on 25cm stems.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa sylvestris

5 or more - £ 0.70 each
10 or more - £ 0.67 each
25 or more - £ 0.64 each

Tulipa turkestanica

Stems carry five to nine flowers per stem, star-like white flowers with orange-yellow centre, anthers dark purplish-brown, February-March.

Dispatched September to October.

Tulipa turkestanica

5 or more - £ 0.70 each
10 or more - £ 0.67 each
25 or more - £ 0.64 each

Total Products: 10